Stories from Callamar – Maylea and Jonah by Neumann, Brent
About the Book:
Stories from Callamar is a series of novels spanning generations of characters, their adventures, and misadventures set in the world’s fictitious northern fringes of the late 14th century.
Maylea and Jonah is the first book of the series telling the story of two young adults away from home, naively living life and learning that their world can be a tragic and unforgiving place. However, with the help of their friends and themselves, they discover that life can also be wonderful and worth living. Home is where you make it.
About the Author:
Brent Neumann was born on Guam in 1966 but moved away at the age of one. With the exception of two years in Thailand (late 1970s), He has lived his whole life in southern California. He received a BS in Astro-Physics from UCLA in 1989 and a MS in Astronomy from SDSU in 2001. Brent considers himself a scientist, skeptic, teacher, analyst, photographer, student, poet, and now writer and has worked at many jobs and careers over the past forty years. He has traveled to 18 countries on five continents, 28 states, and numerous national and state parks.
Currently, Brent teaches physics and astronomy lecture/lab classes at several community colleges and universities in southern California. He is working on the next book in his series, Stories from Callamar.
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