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Hope Flies High Shannon Haywood

About the Book:
A story from the tragic day of September 11, 2001. When an ordinary mother becomes a very special hero, restoring hope for those who needed it most. Providing proof that one small gesture can have a significant impact on others.


About the Book:
I am Shannon Haywood. I was born and raised in Rockingham, North Carolina. I have been an educator in the public school setting for 24 years. I have presented at reading conferences and led professional development sessions for teachers across various  grade and content levels. As an educator, I learned early in my career to examine children’s picture books with a purpose. Picture books can be used to teach perspective, themes, support inferences and questions that are built in a reader’s minds. The text of picture books have enriching vocabulary and language that will support and foster engaging thoughts of the reader. That is what I want for all readers and teachers. Use this picture book, Hope Flies High, to discover all the hidden lessons between the pages. Life’s lessons can be learned by one picture book at a time.


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